Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reckless 2013

Hey all! Happy New Year's Eve! I can't believe that tomorrow is going to be 2014 - crraaazzzzyyy. It seems like I was just working on my 2012 post

So, here it goes the year that was dubbed (by Amy and I right after the New Year rang in) "Reckless 2013" - the big, sad, sucky, little, hilarious, and wonderful moments that all made up a year. 


Rang in the new year with Amy in Hershey - we wore crowns. People were jealous//My family ate pork and sauerkraut//I posted my resolutions - I actually completed most of them!//talked about how many games my family plays//watched a lot of 'Pitch Perfect'//saw (and cried) through Les Mis//became obsessed with 'The Bachelor'//interviewed Maria about braces//shared the reveal of my braces removal//cried through Harry Potter 7 Parts 1 and 2//received the most gorgeous dress of all time//received a lovely present from Melanie//my first remix//shared my grandparents' love story//


Watched '10 Things I Hate About You' on VHS in a lounge with my roommates - that was such a great night//first Trivia Night of 2013 - we again wore crowns//we watched Beyonce perform at the Superbowl, than continued studying once she was done//got new glasses//had to go home on an emergency when my grandma was in the hospital//celebrated Amy's birthday - 90's themed birthday partaayyy//celebrated my blog's first birthday!//watched 'Blue Valentine' with Amy - we were depressed for a couple of days//Valentine's Day!//Galentine's Day - with gallons of ice cream that is//found out that I would be interning at my church again//Shamrock Shakes//was featured on ModCloth//roomie photo shoot in which we were a bit weird//Hunger Games + thrifting adventure with my cousin//Peace Pole danced//


Spring Break: weekend with my gals, NYC, Princeton, and Bethlehem work travels//Remix #2//Built a massive snowman//lots of Skyping with friends that were abroad//made Easter eggs//boys were poopy//was serious while wearing sequined shorts//pre-Love Feast pedicure//two Love Feasts!//went home for Easter//my mom laughed at my college id//figured out how to make blogging buttons//


Became obsessed with the song 'Just Give me a Reason'//danced to 'Pop!' with Amy in Muddy//wrote my family history paper//spring photo shoots!//basked in glorious weather//celebrated my 21st birthday - that was one for the books//avoided Frisbees on my last Science Olympiad Day on campus//survived being in the worst mash pit ever//made communion bread//May Fest aka the best weekend at school ever - so many bazaars and yard sales// 


Festival of Colors//wrote a paper about Brethren women in history//went home for my cousin's wedding -it was a wonderful occasion!//Alexa brought me pot pie//was given the tile "Ms. Homewrecker 2013" from Amy//finals were torture// finished my junior year//got my DSLR//went to see the 'Great Gatsby'//wore animal prints//went to the 2013 graduation//made puppy chow with my momma//moved back to my summer house//had a summer photo shoot with Amy//got a hair cut//traveled to Elgin //Also, went to Iowa with T-Dog and the Diesels for Young Adult Conference//it rained on the Tardis//started the 'Bachelorette'


Internship training- one of the best weeks of the summer//became obsessed with 'Call Your Girlfriend'//Bachelorette and PB milkshake nights//Teen Wolf nights//traveled to Juniata with Alexa for a weekend of work, 'Warm Bodies', giant cookies, thrifting, and balloons//got to see Maggie for the first time in months!//bought 'Fergalicious' shoes//found this beautiful wedding dress//chaperoned Jr. High conference where I got to teach some sign language//started #pacifistproblems//another roomie photo shoot!//car wash//learned how people come together during difficult times//celebrated the end of DOMA//started the trek down to North Carolina for Annual Conference! 


Celebrated the 4th wearing the best skirt ever//wrote a sermon while listening to Macklemore//took mustache pictures with Bethany//kayaked down the Swatara creek//went on a "One Thrift Trip"//summer reading nights with drinks in a mason jar//guilty pleasure music - I'm looking at you, Miley//went to Hershey Park with other MSS interns//lots of friend photo shoots//preached Sermon #1//got stuck in a dress//remix #3//Juniata visit for work//wore a classy red dress//worked on sermon #2//Jigger Shop night//Mix Tape festival with Becky//bought more Melmac//found out about the Rory Gilmore reading list//celebrated my momma's and J.K. Rowling's birthday - two of my favorite ladies!//


All church camping weekend!//gave Annie a haircut//cousin blog lovin' and and hangout nights//went to see Guys and Dolls with Molly//got a flower crown//moved into the most gorgeous house ever//became a senior!//went to Pittsburgh for my first blogger meet-up//saw a concert in Pittsburgh//dinner with Schuyler and Nikki//wore dresses//back to school picnic//roomie photo shoots//


Lobsterfest//Zumba nights//the NYC coordinators visited!!//D.C. weekend//senioritis kicked in//slept outside in a hammock//last Mountain Day//Storming of the Arch//90's partaaayyy//weekend home for Dad's work picnic - including temporary hair colors and tattoos with Lily//Trivia Night!//Amy attempted to play the clarinet//Nancy Drew computer games - so intense//


Leaf crowns//fall time!//Amy and I wore sailboats!//I shared my thrift story//Melanie came to visit//Inaugural Concert//was featured on Coffee and Cardigans//was Mulan and Dolores Umbridge for Halloween//


Murder Mystery Party//watched my first scary movie//watched a lot of 'The Office'//"Remember remember the 5th of November//wrote a resume//took pictures of my friend Silvia//first time tenting since freshman year - stayed up for 27 hours straight//Hunger Games - so many tears//started writing for HerCampus//wore pink//Thanksgiving with the family - game time!//got a Jim mug from my cousin//put up the Christmas tree//


Amy took over my Facebook - with cat helmets//last day of classes - ever//final Madrigal//spies Happy Birthday//I was in the library for 6 hours straight one day//last day of work//"Christmas morning" with the house//Christmas movies//took pictures of this lovely lady//got my first tattoo - pictures to come!//shopping day with Hannah//New Year's Eve with muh guurrrllss!

Well, that was my year! Adios Reckless 2013

Here comes Fearless '14!

Have a great and safe New Years!



Monday, December 23, 2013

Friend Fashion: Melanie

Hey everyone!

Remember my friend Melanie - she modeled this lovely checkerboard shirt for me. 

Well, we did another photo shoot that weekend and I am in love with these photos. Melanie has some of the best vintage items, like this dress. 

Enjoy getting to know Miss Melanie. 

Name: Melanie Margaret 

Age: 21

What are you studying in school? Sociology with a Women's Studies minor 

Hobbies: Crafting, altering clothes, beekeeping, traveling, collecting parasols and typewriters, throwing themed parties

Favorite quote: "Little Blossom there is the shiniest soul, just behind those eyes." ~Elbow, "The Stops" lyrics
Favorite movie: Brideshead Revisited; Love Actually
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: Hopefully promoting travel, world views, and cultural tourism

Describe your style: vintage darling... with a touch of hippie traveler
Favorite places to shop?: Re-Threads Boutique (Setauket, NY), yard sales and estate sales
Favorite thrift store finds?: Vintage Italian, yellow floral print skirt and top combo (dress with same print in green); Black leather boots, fur trim in Amsterdam; 1960s red, faux fur trim coat
Biggest fashion mistake?: ... that people make in general? Telling others the flaw in their outfit which totally gives it away...

 Whose style do you most admire?: Chuck from Pushing Daisies!
Favorite memory involving me (Laura)?: Chocolate facials, Kimbra, Karaoke... do I have to pick just one?

Dress: Vintage: Re-Threads Boutique
Necklace: "It was my great aunt's from Austria!"
Key Earrings: Made my a friend from junior high
Shoes: Clothing swap 

Thanks for letting me get these lovely shots of you, Miss Melanie when you were visiting me! I miss you bunches! 

I hope everyone enjoyed getting to know my gorgeous pal! 

Other Friend Fashion posts: 

