Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reckless 2013

Hey all! Happy New Year's Eve! I can't believe that tomorrow is going to be 2014 - crraaazzzzyyy. It seems like I was just working on my 2012 post

So, here it goes the year that was dubbed (by Amy and I right after the New Year rang in) "Reckless 2013" - the big, sad, sucky, little, hilarious, and wonderful moments that all made up a year. 


Rang in the new year with Amy in Hershey - we wore crowns. People were jealous//My family ate pork and sauerkraut//I posted my resolutions - I actually completed most of them!//talked about how many games my family plays//watched a lot of 'Pitch Perfect'//saw (and cried) through Les Mis//became obsessed with 'The Bachelor'//interviewed Maria about braces//shared the reveal of my braces removal//cried through Harry Potter 7 Parts 1 and 2//received the most gorgeous dress of all time//received a lovely present from Melanie//my first remix//shared my grandparents' love story//


Watched '10 Things I Hate About You' on VHS in a lounge with my roommates - that was such a great night//first Trivia Night of 2013 - we again wore crowns//we watched Beyonce perform at the Superbowl, than continued studying once she was done//got new glasses//had to go home on an emergency when my grandma was in the hospital//celebrated Amy's birthday - 90's themed birthday partaayyy//celebrated my blog's first birthday!//watched 'Blue Valentine' with Amy - we were depressed for a couple of days//Valentine's Day!//Galentine's Day - with gallons of ice cream that is//found out that I would be interning at my church again//Shamrock Shakes//was featured on ModCloth//roomie photo shoot in which we were a bit weird//Hunger Games + thrifting adventure with my cousin//Peace Pole danced//


Spring Break: weekend with my gals, NYC, Princeton, and Bethlehem work travels//Remix #2//Built a massive snowman//lots of Skyping with friends that were abroad//made Easter eggs//boys were poopy//was serious while wearing sequined shorts//pre-Love Feast pedicure//two Love Feasts!//went home for Easter//my mom laughed at my college id//figured out how to make blogging buttons//


Became obsessed with the song 'Just Give me a Reason'//danced to 'Pop!' with Amy in Muddy//wrote my family history paper//spring photo shoots!//basked in glorious weather//celebrated my 21st birthday - that was one for the books//avoided Frisbees on my last Science Olympiad Day on campus//survived being in the worst mash pit ever//made communion bread//May Fest aka the best weekend at school ever - so many bazaars and yard sales// 


Festival of Colors//wrote a paper about Brethren women in history//went home for my cousin's wedding -it was a wonderful occasion!//Alexa brought me pot pie//was given the tile "Ms. Homewrecker 2013" from Amy//finals were torture// finished my junior year//got my DSLR//went to see the 'Great Gatsby'//wore animal prints//went to the 2013 graduation//made puppy chow with my momma//moved back to my summer house//had a summer photo shoot with Amy//got a hair cut//traveled to Elgin //Also, went to Iowa with T-Dog and the Diesels for Young Adult Conference//it rained on the Tardis//started the 'Bachelorette'


Internship training- one of the best weeks of the summer//became obsessed with 'Call Your Girlfriend'//Bachelorette and PB milkshake nights//Teen Wolf nights//traveled to Juniata with Alexa for a weekend of work, 'Warm Bodies', giant cookies, thrifting, and balloons//got to see Maggie for the first time in months!//bought 'Fergalicious' shoes//found this beautiful wedding dress//chaperoned Jr. High conference where I got to teach some sign language//started #pacifistproblems//another roomie photo shoot!//car wash//learned how people come together during difficult times//celebrated the end of DOMA//started the trek down to North Carolina for Annual Conference! 


Celebrated the 4th wearing the best skirt ever//wrote a sermon while listening to Macklemore//took mustache pictures with Bethany//kayaked down the Swatara creek//went on a "One Thrift Trip"//summer reading nights with drinks in a mason jar//guilty pleasure music - I'm looking at you, Miley//went to Hershey Park with other MSS interns//lots of friend photo shoots//preached Sermon #1//got stuck in a dress//remix #3//Juniata visit for work//wore a classy red dress//worked on sermon #2//Jigger Shop night//Mix Tape festival with Becky//bought more Melmac//found out about the Rory Gilmore reading list//celebrated my momma's and J.K. Rowling's birthday - two of my favorite ladies!//


All church camping weekend!//gave Annie a haircut//cousin blog lovin' and and hangout nights//went to see Guys and Dolls with Molly//got a flower crown//moved into the most gorgeous house ever//became a senior!//went to Pittsburgh for my first blogger meet-up//saw a concert in Pittsburgh//dinner with Schuyler and Nikki//wore dresses//back to school picnic//roomie photo shoots//


Lobsterfest//Zumba nights//the NYC coordinators visited!!//D.C. weekend//senioritis kicked in//slept outside in a hammock//last Mountain Day//Storming of the Arch//90's partaaayyy//weekend home for Dad's work picnic - including temporary hair colors and tattoos with Lily//Trivia Night!//Amy attempted to play the clarinet//Nancy Drew computer games - so intense//


Leaf crowns//fall time!//Amy and I wore sailboats!//I shared my thrift story//Melanie came to visit//Inaugural Concert//was featured on Coffee and Cardigans//was Mulan and Dolores Umbridge for Halloween//


Murder Mystery Party//watched my first scary movie//watched a lot of 'The Office'//"Remember remember the 5th of November//wrote a resume//took pictures of my friend Silvia//first time tenting since freshman year - stayed up for 27 hours straight//Hunger Games - so many tears//started writing for HerCampus//wore pink//Thanksgiving with the family - game time!//got a Jim mug from my cousin//put up the Christmas tree//


Amy took over my Facebook - with cat helmets//last day of classes - ever//final Madrigal//spies Happy Birthday//I was in the library for 6 hours straight one day//last day of work//"Christmas morning" with the house//Christmas movies//took pictures of this lovely lady//got my first tattoo - pictures to come!//shopping day with Hannah//New Year's Eve with muh guurrrllss!

Well, that was my year! Adios Reckless 2013

Here comes Fearless '14!

Have a great and safe New Years!




Cindy Lou Who said...

Under May it says...

Alexa brought me pot....for a split second I was like Laura Elizabeth!

And then I saw the next line...


Alexa brought me pot pie.


I'll tuck my drug lecture right back into my pocket.

Love ya!

The Dragonfruit said...

It's so wonderful to get to look back on your year and remember every moment. 2013 was rough but a good one for me.
Here's to an even brighter 2014 for us!

The Dragonfruit Diaries

Jamie Rose said...

You've had such a full 2013! I hope this year is just as awesome for you. Happy new year!

Desirae said...

Great post! I feel much more caught up on your blog now since I've only discovered it recently! I hope you have another great year!


Katie Aman said...

What an incredibly fun set of photos! I can really see your personality shine and it looks like you're surrounding by so many great family and friends. I've loved seeing your style this year too-can't wait for more in 2014 girl! :)

WorkingGirl'sShoeCloset said...

Cheers to a fabulous year! I'm so excited to see what you bring us in the fun '14! xo.

New follower *hearts*
The Working Girl's Shoe Closet
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