Monday, February 3, 2014

Fearless Fourteen: January 27-February 3

Happy Monday everyone! 

I have been posting my Picture a Day project on Sunday nights, but last night I was too busy (read "lazy") to actually get it posted. Thankfully, I have a glorious Snow Day to share - the snow is definitely acomin' down! 

Well, I'm off to spend my snow day doing laundry, watching SVU, reading, and just being an all around bum. Ahh, the joys of not having classes. :) 

January 27: My positive quote of the week from my internship. 

January 28: My blog planning journal - it has been feeling a little neglected lately. 

January 29: I made pizza for family supper! 

January 30: Woke up to a frosted window pane. 

January 31: I thrifted this gorgeous bag in the town where I'm interning. It was only $1! It was cash only or I would have gotten a lot more - I usually don't carry cash on me. I can't wait to go back! 

February 1: Saturday cleaning day. 

February 2: Before shots of a new project - I got most of it done while watching 'Breaking Bad' with my housemate. 

February 3: Lazy snow day. 


Unknown said...

Cute journal!

The Dragonfruit said...

What a great inspirational quote!
Also, I just made pizza tonight too :D Sooo good.

The Dragonfruit Diaries

Sofie said...

Oh, I really love the quote on the first picture! Enjoy the snow, doing laundry (yay!) and not having classes!

Sofie x
Little green Sofie

Miche said...

I'm doing a picture a day project too, maybe I should start posting mine, this is a cute idea! Love the blog planning journal, I've been using google calendar/docs but a real journal seems so much cooler!
Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

lauren, curious constellation said...

Oh wow, it's great that you have a blog planning journal. I think I need to get myself one of those.

Law & Luxury said...

your blog planning journal is so precious! where is it from?!

Rachel @

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